Claus-Dieter Zimmer is, for me and my music, the successor of my uncle Ernst.
Claus-Dieter and I have been working together since 1991. I have not only discovered a valuable person, but also an ingenious musician and orchestral arranger. With regard to my melodies, he is very sensitive and always manages to slip a wonderful musical accompaniment over them. Together we have developed a timeless, exalted and entertaining music, recognised world wide as unique and exquisite. With Claus-Dieter Zimmer I created and completed my further CD’s : CD 3 / “PIANO FOR LOVERS” (1996), CD 4 / “PIANO DIAMONDS” (2006), CD 7 / “PIANO SOUL EMOTIONS” (2012) and “PIANO JEWELS” (2021), always for piano and large orchestra.
These compositions for piano and orchestra are a symbol of absolute music enjoyment, enchanting with light classic and sacred profoundness. A dream.
Further productions will follow in the near future.
Claus-Dieter Zimmer is the musical director as well as the composer, arranger and conductor of this australian choir.