In the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s Alex was the brain behind the famous Swiss entertainment trio “TRIO EUGSTER”. Alex is a conservatoire trained vocalist and composer of many hits by „Trio Eugster“ and other famous Swiss musicians and vocalists. For many years now Alex owns a small recording studio and has had success as a popular producer – this studio is always kept up to the most modern technical standard.
Alex and I have worked together intensively since 1995. Since my 3rd CD, all of my piano recordings have been made in his studio. Alex Eugster and Claus-Dieter Zimmer have both developed to be true friends for me and also my music advisors. In Alex’s recording audio I always have a good feeling, knowing that Alex will see me through my nervousness when difficult piano runs are inevitable.
Posts with Alex Eugster
Violin recording with Adam Taubitz in May 2021
Violin recording with Adam Taubitz from May 9th 2021, for the new album, vol. 8, by Rolf W. Kunz.
Violin recording with Adam Taubitz in July 2020
Violin recording with Adam Taubitz from July 12th 2020, for the new album, vol. 8, by Rolf W. Kunz.
Recording of a new instrumental song, in the music studio Alex Eugster, Dübendorf
Alex Eugster and Rolf W. Kunz, in the musikstudio A. Eugster, Dübendorf ! Recording of a new instrumental song on 3rd of January 2020
Recording of a new instrumental song, in the music studio Alex Eugster, Dübendorf
Alex Eugster and Rolf W. Kunz, in the music studio A. Eugster, Dübendorf ! Recording of a new instrumental song on 27th September 2019
Cello recording with Luzius Gartmann
Cello recording with Luzius Gartmann from May 19th 2019, for the new album, vol. 8, by Rolf W. Kunz.
Violin recording with Adam Taubitz in February 2019
Violin recording with Adam Taubitz from February 24, 2019 for the new album by Rolf W. Kunz.
Cello recording for my next music album, VOL. 8th
Some photos from the recordings.